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Reading Island Boat Ramp Improvement Draft EA/IS

Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Notification of Open Public Comment Period
for the
Reading Island Boat Ramp Improvement Project

The Western Shasta Resource Conservation District (WSRCD) and U.S. Bureau of Land Management Redding Field Office (BLM) have released a draft environmental assessment/initial study (EA/IS) for the Reading Island Boat Ramp Improvement Project (proposed project). WSRCD intends to adopt a proposed mitigated negative declaration (MND) for the proposed project.  The draft EA/IS and proposed MND have been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act to provide agencies, the public, and interested parties an opportunity to review the environmental analysis of the proposed project.

The proposed project is located on one acre of land within what is commonly known as Reading Island in Shasta County, California. Reading Island is located on the Balls Ferry U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle in Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10 of Township 29 North, Range 3 West (coordinates 40.389340°N, - 122.197773°W). Reading Island is bordered to the west by Anderson Creek, to the east by the Sacramento River (at river mile 274), and to the south by the confluence of Anderson Creek with the Sacramento River.

WSRCD and BLM propose to replace the original floating boat dock and improve access to an existing motorized boat ramp on Anderson Creek near its confluence with the Sacramento River. Accumulated in-stream material would be excavated to improve boat access. The ramp would be cleared of debris and sediment to create a 2-foot-wide shoulder on either side, increasing access and ease of use. Roadway shoulder improvements would allow for easier navigation on the entrance road. The development of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant parking is also proposed. The entry gate would be updated with an automated gate for programmed opening and closing. Portable toilets may also be placed adjacent to the proposed ADA-compliant parking spaces. Depending on recreation use levels, a potential gravel overflow parking lot and permanent vault toilets are proposed, if needed.

The EA/IS provides an assessment of the proposed project’s potential significant adverse impacts on the environment. The EA/IS concludes that the proposed project would not have any significant adverse effects on the environment after implementation of mitigation measures.

At this time, the WSRCD and BLM are requesting your input and comment on the EA/IS to identify issues or to provide feedback on the analysis. The EA/IS is being circulated for public review and comment for a period of 30 days, starting November 21st, 2024. Written comments should be submitted and received no later than close of business on December 20th, 2024.

THe Draft EA/IS documents can be accessed here: Draft EA/IS and Proposed MND

A printed copy can be requested to view during business hours (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.) at the WSRCD
office located at 6270 Parallel Road, Anderson, CA.

Please submit comments by one of the following methods:
•     Using the comment function on the BLM ePlanning project website: Click on “Participate now” to submit a
written comment.
•     Mailing comments to Ross Perry, Western Shasta Resource Conservation District, 6270 Parallel
Road, Anderson, CA 96007.
•     Emailing comments to Ross Perry at or commenting in the comment form below.

The most effective comments are those that follow the guidelines below:
•     Comments should be concise and focus directly on the analysis in the EA/IS.
•     Comments should identify the specific part of the EA/IS at issue and include supporting
evidence and facts.
•     The commenter should provide complete references or citations, particularly when referring to
websites (e.g., provide a specific URL address rather than simply citing “WSRCD website”).
•     When including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying
information in your comment, please state whether you want the WSRCD and BLM to withhold your
personal information.

For further information, please contact Ross Perry at (530) 365-7332 or

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