Watershed Outreach and Education
2016 Whole Earth and Watershed Festival
WSRCD staff participated in the 2016 Whole Earth and Watershed Festival in Redding, California. Presentations of the Floodplain Model discussed functions of floodplains, fluctuations of water flow, and factors that can impact environmental conditions with weather events.
18-32 FEMA Cooperative Technical Partners
Through a Cooperative Technical Partners (CTP) agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), WSRCD is able to raise awareness and support local efforts to reduce natural hazard risk with the communities and watersheds of Shasta County in northern California.
2016 Trout In The Classroom
WSRCD staff participated in the 2016 Trout In The Classroom, a program to bring watershed awareness and stream health to students in Shasta County. This multi-day event was held at Brandy Creek Marina in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and at the Anderson River Park.

SWAMP Training
In efforts to re-establish the Citizens Monitoring Program, WSRCD staff attended the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) that was hosted by Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) in Anderson, California. Protocols on how to collect water samples and macroinvertebrates, conduct water quality assessments, and organism identification were taught for the purpose to conduct water monitoring activities independently.
CEQA Training
WSRCD staff attended training and discussion on the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and definitions about the process and permits.
Classroom Demonstrations
WSRCD staff visited classrooms within in Shasta County to conduct demonstrations using the Floodplain Model to foster discussions about watershed health and